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Managing your Residents Permits

Residents Permits (and visitor permits) are bound to your residents address. If you do not reside at the address you require permits for please talk to your parking operator. With digital residents permits you do not need to display anything in the vehicle, as the patrolling officers are able to check the vehicle registration number for a valid permit.

To manage your residents permits you should login to the MiPermit global portal or your parking operators portal and go to 'Manage Digital Permits' selecting the Residents Permits option. You can change vehicle registration the permit covers (if the parking operator allow) and renew any permits due to expire.

Changing the Vehicle Covered by your Residents Permit

Select the permit you wish to change, and click the 'Edit Registrations' button. You can enter the new vehicles registration number and save the details making the changes effective immediately. Note that you should only enter one vehicle registration number per field, adding multiple registration numbers may result in a PCN being issued by the parking operator.

If you edit the vehicle registration number on a permit you must ensure that the old vehicle is not parked in an area where it may receive a PCN for not being covered by a valid permit. Changes made in the MiPermit portal are immediate and cannot be scheduled in advance.

Note: Changing or editing your vehicles in the 'Members & Vehicles' section of the portal only effects Pay & Stay vehicles, and does not change the vehicle covered by a permit.

Renewing your Residents Permits

If a permit is due for renewal will we flag this in the MiPermit portal. If your account has an email address attached to it, we will also send out a reminder email a few weeks before the permit will expire.

To renew your permit, login to the MiPermit global portal or parking operators portal and click on the renewal banner or the notification badge in the menu. You will be shown a list of permits that can be renewed, just select the permit and click the 'Renew Permit' button. This will auto-complete the permit purchase page with all the details required plus give you the ability to make amendments. You will need to enter payment card details to complete the renewal.